
Friday 11 May 2018

The Brookes - Man Up! (Single Review)

Four piece alternative rock band from Grimsby, The Brookes are working with male suicide awareness charity, 'CALM' on new track 'Man Up' to be released on May 17th. The Brookes are working with the charity to raise money and awareness for people that have been impacted by mental health, men in particular. Men seem to have this strong role that they have to live up to, but regardless of gender, we are all human, and everyone experiences their own demons at some point or rather.

Male emotions and feelings are often a taboo and for no good reason other than pride, and the fear of looking weak. Suicide is the cause of the highest rate of deaths amongst men under the age of 45, the intentions of 'Man Up' is to make people aware that it isn't just you that is suffering in silence, the track will hopefully encourage more men to discuss their feelings, be more open, and to not be ashamed or embarrassed about however they feel.

'Man Up' is a real cry for help, the track harbors a 00's indie feel combined with dramatic heavy punk basslines and guitar riffs from bassist Elliott Gant and both lead singer Bonge Keal and Fraser Macdonald on guitar. Lauren Taylor on the drums creates the foundation for the track as the vocals overpower, demanding to be heard - the chorus shouts, "Man Up! Man Up!". 

"Go tell your fears, you know they'll take it from here. You know they'll tell you to be quiet to your peers."

In order to overcome and conquer your fears, first you must face them.  This verse is all about gaining the courage to talk to someone and make somebody aware that you're suffering before your fears (demons) take over and it's too late. After all, what does 'Man Up' even mean? Just because mental health isn't as visible as physical health doesn't mean it should go unnoticed, especially when it has such a harrowing effect on so many people all over world. If you would like to support The Brookes and CALM ZONE they will be raising further awareness through single launch gigs, social plugging, photography shoots and all-round networking so do keep an eye out.

'Man Up' will be available to listen to on all streaming sites as of May 17th. If you're interested about CALM ZONE, head over to their website for more information.

You can keep up to date with the band on their social medias:

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