
Thursday 31 August 2017

ALMA - Plug In Plug Out (Single Review)

In comparison to their previous release in January - 'Help Me' was a very psychedelic groove indie-rock piece, and it heavily reminded me of a band that got me into the genre a few years ago called 'Peace', they have died down a bit now, and have floated into the deep musical abyss most probably to never be seen again. Irregardless of this factor I still like Peace and I thought this musical venture stearing away from the grungey undertones and heavy drums and sticking towards their original more psychedelic indie rock roots was a great move.

On to the new track which is to be released on September 4th 2017, with the new and reformed four-piece from Stoke-On-Trent - 'Plug in, Plug out' sounds very similar to 'Help Me' at the beginning, and has an intriguing opening which soon crescendos into a collaboration of the drums and guitar riffs, and then it descends when the vocals enter. In thought that the band may have re-kindled and gone back to their old indie roots, the phantom of grunge is still seeping through the track like it never went away from their 'Last Orders' EP. Under the influence that 'Plug in, Plug out' would perhaps  be another psychedelic track due to the title sounding similar to Tim Learys quote 'Tune in, Drop out' - boy was I wrong.

With Kennedy's sulky vocals and I don't give a fuck attitude the grunge style that they've aimed for really reflects well - "Plug me in, plug me out, do what you want to." The guitar riffs are exhilarating, revitalising and a lot more heavy rock in comparison to their release of 'Help Me' prior to this, and this track is a lot more grunge when compared to any of their previous work.

Having liked the fact they had steered away from grunge and may have re-kindled their psychedelic indie rock ways with 'Help Me' which was more of a groovy indie track, they have summoned the ghost that was grunge and brought it back to life.  The eclecticism of this band is very surprising flicking to and from indie, psychedelic, grunge, and even hard rock - this band aren't trying to mislead you by finding their sound because they've found it, they are versatile and can pull anything off. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for their release this Monday.

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