
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Jamie T - Power Over Men (Single Review)

Jamie Treay, or otherwise known as Jamie T is an alternative solo artist from London and even though he has only produced 3 albums within his 9 year music career; all three have been absolutely brilliant. However throughout the years he has also produced some amazing EP's alongside his albums, his EP's are definitely the most underrated work he's ever done - I prefer them over his albums. The lyrics throughout his work dont deterioate and his effort never mellows; he never fails to please his fans. I reviewed his last album - 'Carry On The a Grudge' last year and it was full of very dark, yet meaningful tracks and he also showed a versatile range of genres throughout the album to prove that the Jamie T we all love is back, and is back for good. The review is here if you would like to have a read - 

The contrast ranged from 'Peter' which is a song about a schizophrenic; who's mind is telling him to do things and manipulating him into hating himself and thinking that everyone else hates him to the next track being 'Love Is Only A Heartbeak Away' which is a typical love ballad. These two tracks are polar opposites to eachother and even though I'm not to keen on 'Peter' the track list was very cleverly put together within his last album. 

Treays new single is called 'Power Over Men' and it was released on the 30th of September 2016 it was the second preceded track of his new album called 'Trick' which is to be released later on in the year. During the meantime fans are having to do with his two new teaser tracks; 'Power Over Men' and then 'Tinfoil Boy' which was the first track off his new album to be released and 'Tinfoil Boy' was released on the 29th of June 2016. After seeing Jamie T's facebook page publish the music video to 'Power Over Men' I thought that it would be a good idea to listen to the song first; write down how I interpretated it - and then watch the video. My interpretation from the song was a beautiful young woman who is so stunning she can make men do whatever she wants and she basically holds their hearts. But NO! It's about a middle-aged sadistic dominatrix who practices BDSM on a rather large man and due to him wearing a suit at the end of the video whilst handling a suitcase indicated that he has a well respected job. Therefore he must pay for her to humiliate and abuse him as he's a masochist and gets off on it ! The moral of the song is; due to him being a submissive he will do anything she demands and she is probably also getting paid by several other men to do the same thing, hence how the song repeatedly expressed how - "She's got power over men".

In conclusion; I've got to be honest with you - I wasn't expecting it. I never really expected that off Jamie T, to be writing songs about BDSM... However it is a cracking track, very catchy and it is a lot less serious compared to his previous work which can appear very dark and meaningful. Yes, the track is very repetitive but you always find that the preceded tracks from a new album are , as they try to make the tracks catchy in order to entise new listeners. I look forward to listening to his new album as according to some other reviewers who have listened to the album before its release, they have credited the new album as very versatile and it shows a huge range of genres that Treay is capable of apparently. 'Tricks' will be a very interesting listen as Jamie T's work never gets boring. I wonder what his next track will be about...! Well if there's one thing we've all found out after 9 years is that good'ol Jamie T likes a bit of domination in the bedroom! 'Power Over Men' is definitely a grower and a tune that you should be listening to! (If you're under 18, dont watch the video...)


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