
Sunday 3 July 2016

The Garage Flowers - Think Of Me Hill (Demo Review)

The Garage Flowers are a southern indie-rock 3-piece from London. The Garage Flowers hoping to be a four-piece if they can find a bassist, so if you're around the area give them a message! The three piece consists of; Joe Capaldi on lead vocals, Jonny Webber on lead guitar and Greg Edwards on the drums. 10th of May 2016 was the release date and you can listen to it on soundcloud which I will link at the end of my review. The band have obvious influences during this track of; Richard Ashcroft (The Verve), Ian Brown (The Stone Roses) and Oasis.

An acoustic guitar opens up the track with a melancholic riff, shortly followed by Capaldi on vocals sounding similar to Ashcroft on the opening line with the lyrics of;

"Hey how ya doing. How's the weather? Wherever you are. I'm back in Devon with the rain the sea, and the stars."

This opening line represents that he is obviously missing someone and is dying to know what they are up to and how they have been getting on etc... Yet she has moved on and therefore asking questions would basically be pointless as you may never receive a response. After the first verse, a very Stone Roses 'Elephant Stone/This Is The One' inspired guitar riff is played - and you can tell that it is definitely a Stone Roses inspired guitar riff, as their band name is a line from one of their songs called 'Tell Me' which was a part of The Stone Roses earlier work. Then a rather insightful, upsetting chorus representing the bitter truth behind love and heartbreak is sung...

"Call it right, call it wrong - call it anything you want. I'm getting drunk again on my own, and I want everyone to know."

This song is so heartbreaking to hear, as it mentions in one of their lines about his 'sugar-coated love'. Sugar-coated love is whereby everything looks good on the outside but it is a different matter behind closed doors; away from the outside world - by the sounds of things he has been in a relationship like that and then has had his heart absolutely teared apart into shreds by someone; how devastating. The nostalgic chorus line is then sung;

"Climb up and meet me at Think Of Me Hill"

Followed by an outstanding solo riff on the electric guitar by Webber, which is then accompanied by Edwards on the drums which picks up with the guitar after being so subtle for a gentle effect during the nostalgic and melancholic track.

In conclusion this nostalgic track about heartbreak and the bitter truth is absolutely devastating to hear when you really listen to the lyrics as they are so intense. This is one of them songs that you write when you are absolutely smashed and crying your eyes out on the sofa and you just pour your heart out onto a piece of paper. To find out that years later what you had written was perfect to make a song out of as the words are just so heart felt and personal. The guitar riffs were placed perfectly, as were the drums and Capaldi's Ashcroft inspired voice makes the lyrics really mean something as he just such a believable singer. Very well done lads, this is a very heart warming track yet simultaneously absolutely devastating. A very well put together song with incredible lyrics and the fade out at the end was also a very nice touch. I look forward to listening to some more of your work.

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