
Sunday 7 February 2016

Duffy - Whole Lot Of Love from 'Legend' (Single Review)

Welsh female singer/songwriter Amie Ann Duffy, otherwise known as 'Duffy' has released her first single in five years, and it was written for a film! The film was 'Legend' starring Tom Hardy; about the Kray Twins, in which Duffy stars as 'Timi Yuro' which was Reggie Krays favourite singer. You may know Duffy for her soulful 'Rockferry' album or hits of 'Mercy' and 'Warwick Avenue'. Duffy has been a big influence in my life since the age of 11 when I sang 'Mercy' in a talent competition. However as I began to discover new music - I distanced from listening to her, but I have been listening to her again recently... Soon to discover that it was infact Duffy singing in the Krays club in 'Legend'

 The track starts off with a low, deep rhythmic beat on the drums soon accompanied by Duffy's distinctive vocals of;

"I feel frustrated all the time, over and over - bitter sweet; you and me."

This scene appears in the film when Frances is beginning to get depressed with Reggies gangster antics, therefore perhaps the song is related to Frances' mentality and feelings towards Reggie and life at that point during the film. The track has a sense of attitude with it, like a lot of Duffys work. I particularly admire not only the fact that she is a brilliant lyricist, but her voice is so unique and distinctive. Duffy is basically Amy Winehouse without substance abuse and the popularity of James Morrison - she is painfully underrated.

"Took a whole lot of love to hate you the way I do."

In conclusion this song sounds like it is about a woman who is receiving constant mixed messages from her lover and at times she hates him; and at times she loves him. However, she soon discovers that the bad outweighs the good, and realises that he makes her hate him more than he makes her love him. This soulful track is full of attitude and femininity; it is a typical Duffy track! I cannot be the only person that has missed listening to her soulful, distinctive voice over the past half decade! If you have not given Duffy a listen before and you like modern day soul or Amy Winehouse I would definitely recommend that you give her new track a listen! She has sure come back with full force though, good on her! I cannot wait for a rumour to go around of a new album! Fantastic track, and as always - she never disappoints.


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