
Sunday 26 July 2015

Release @ The Underground - Hanley

Release are a five piece post-punk band from Stoke-On-Trent. The 5-piece consists of; Caleb Allport on lead vocals, Mayson Nicholson on lead guitar, Ben Roden on bass, Tom Price on the drums and Josh Woody on backing vocals. The gig was at the Underground in Hanley, Release were the dual headlining act alongside another local band called Bonsai. Release performed 7 songs of their own and one cover by Rage Against the Machine, and their energy remained outstanding from the beginning right to the end of their set list.

Release entered the stage around 22:00, the first song that they performed was called 'Neat Seat'. 'Neat Seat' strongly introduced itself with a solid guitar intro, and Woody on backing vocals soon got the audience clapping. The heavy guitars and drums were shortly accompanied by Allport's violent punk growl. Allport was dancing straight away, which automatically interacted the band with audience and a mosh-pit soon ensued. The song was strongly finished by the guitars and it was a cracking performance for their opening song. I just wish that they had turned the backing vocals up.

The second song which they introduced was called 'C U NEXT TIME' the introduction included a very short quiet riff on the guitar for a few seconds, shortly followed by all of the instruments simultaneously creating a heavy format for the vocals. The audience got a bit too lairy on this song and even ended up joining the band on stage! All of the band members in Release interacted with eachother on stage, which shows that they obviously have a good off-stage relationship with eachother too. The song slowed down a little bit, but it soon picked itself back up again with the fast lyrics and indignation within Allports vocals.

The third song was called 'No Idea' and all of the bands crazy stage presence continued throughout. They had a very catchy & repetitive chorus which consisted of the line;

"Do it for me, do it for me, do it for me"

Being repeated several times, and I was very surprised that the audience didn't tag along. This song really brought out their punk edge and they sounded heavily influenced by the Sex Pistols. Allport's feisty stage presence appeared like an alter-ego, considering how much of a relaxed person he is off stage. It was a shame I couldn't see Price on drums due to the lighting but I could hear all of the effort he was giving within this exhilarating performance. The guitars closed off this song once again.

At this point Caleb announced to the audience how knackered he was which again, allowed him to interact with the audience. Before he introduced the next song, he stated how it is off their debut EP on soundcloud, which I also reviewed earlier on this year. As I reviewed their EP I obviously know this song. The song is called 'Bloody Monday' and it is a personal favourite of mine. Due to some of the audience already knowing this song, they were clapping the band on which quickly influenced their energy on stage. Allport got the tambourine out and Woody was clapping, and a friend soon came on stage and accompanied them, soon followed by more people getting on the stage once again. Also, this song allowed the band to have some time to shine and not just the vocals, so you got to see how talented the rest of the band really are. The drums and guitars simultaneously closed off this performance.

Before their fifth song called 'Cold Hearted Killa', Allport sneaked in some audience interaction again asking them if we were alright. There was a strong guitar intro shortly followed by the vocals; and the band started going wild again, which awakened another mosh-pit. This song definitely got your foot tapping if you weren't already a part of the mosh-pit. Nicholson on guitar and Roden on bass really stood out within this performance and the guitar riff sounded really effective. The bands energy influenced the audience massively and the drums repetitiveness towards the end did the song a huge favour.

'Back To The Old Routine' was their sixth song that they performed. The intro sounded slightly influenced by Peace due to their groovy guitars. However the drums soon builded up the tempo; but on the other hand the indie feel was still their due to the slow vocals, and as the song progressed it surprisingly alternated into the sound of The Blue Collars. I saw Release a few months back, and they have definitely improved; not just their stage presence, but their sound has also improved greatly.  The repetitive instrumental did the song justice alongside the slower and powerful vocals.

"My hearts not in it, because my heads in my hands."

I often prefer the paradox's as it shows how versatile a band can be, and I definitely preferred this song over all of the others. I also thought it was the best vocal performance too, so well done.

The seventh song of the evening was called 'That Man' and the distinctive drums opened up the song, which were shortly accompanied by the guitars; leading to the tempo of the song increasing, which created a firm beat for the vocalist to begin performing. The paradox song was very cleverly placed as the audience calmed down a lot more, due to there being a paradox. The backing vocals were used most within this performance and they also had an incredibly catchy chorus to go with the song. Tom Price on drums gave a very strong performance, however Mayson Nicholson on guitar stood out to me the most within this particular performance. This song also went on longer than expected.

The second to last song of the evening was called 'Killing In The Name' which is a cover that they performed by Rage Against the Machine. Considering I don't know this song, it had a very powerful introduction and it kept going quieter and kicking back in again. Due to it being a well-known song the audience got more lively again, yet again it was cleverly placed like the paradox. The lights would go off on the quiet bits and flash back on again on the loud parts. This proved to be very effective within this particular performance;


The indignation in Allports vocals were there from the beginning right to the end of this performance, like usual. Due to that very powerful line it boosted the adrenalin of the audience, leading them to creating yet again another mosh-pit.

Their final song of the night is also off their debut EP, and it is called 'Spelling Out DOOM'. Before Allport went on to perform, he very kindly acknowledged his appreciation to the audience and thanked them for their support. Due to their friends in the audience knowing the lyrics to this song, they jumped on to the stage once more for Releases last song of the evening. Even though their friends were being a huge distraction and eventually got told to get off the stage by the security, the whole band remained incredibly focused and continued professionally. This was definitely the strongest performance of the night and it was also another strong vocal performance. 'Spelling Out DOOM' was an incredible choice of song to close their set off with. Congratulations on pulling off a fantastic gig lads, and good luck for all of your future endeavours with the band.

The only constructive criticism I would have is the elocution of the lyrics as I couldn't quite hear what you were saying, however it is punk so I wouldn't expect to hear every word crystal clear. The backing vocals also need to be turned up when you perform. Apart from that, everything else was spot on. Congratulations. My friend also enjoyed the gig and said that he would quite happily pay twice the amount to see you again, you have a bright future ahead of you. I would definitely recommend that you see them, because they have outstanding stage presence and perform like their life depends on it and I wish you all the best of luck.

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